Why the name?

A few years ago, a friend was relaying a story about her daughter and she mentioned that her daughter used the phrase “my life is cake”, referring to how charmed or “perfect” if you will, her life was.  I immediately fell in love with the phrase, whether it is original to my friend’s daughter or if she stole it.  Either way, I stole it from her because I felt then, and still feel that I’ve lead a charmed life.  That’s not to say my life is/was perfect.  Oh no!  But both sets of my grandparents were married more than 50 years at the time of their deaths.  My parents who married at 16 & 20 yrs old, are still married, my brother and his wife are still going strong after 32+ years and Gary & I are working on 33 years.  Now, that is not the only reason I say my life is cake but I believe it’s quite unusual anymore.

I grew up in an average, middle income, all-american family.  I have one brother.  My parents worked hard to provide us with everything we needed and most of what we wanted.  There was little to no trauma in my life.  My grandparents lived into my adulthood as did some of my great grandparents.  There were no disasters, catastrophes or life altering events in my childhood.  I went to school in only two school districts.  Until I moved out on my own, I had only lived in 3 houses.  My life was stable, calm, cake!

Upon entering adulthood, there was life.  Marriage is challenging, especially when you are raising children that you did not birth.  Children are a source of great joy and intense heartache.  The teenage years are brutal!

But with all that said, I still believe I have a wonderful life!  I life many would envy.  I life that I would not trade for anything.  A life that I’m prepared to fight for with every fiber of my being.  For you see, my life is cake!

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